The highly acclaimed television drama 'The Last Kingdom' on BBC Channel 2 has started filming, and it is from the Carnival Film Company. The second TV drama, nominated by the British Academy of Motion Picture and Television Arts and adapted by RTS award-winning author Stephen Buchar from Bernard Cornwell's best-selling novel series, will return to BBC Channel 2 next year, with Netflix joining as a co production partner. The complex and eye-catching emotional scenes of revenge, competition, hostility, corruption, love, sex, loyalty, and friendship form the backdrop of a gripping adventure adapted from Conwell's novels "Northern Lord" and "Sword Song", which are part of the popular best-selling series "The Last Kingdom". The story takes place in 878, when the second season returns, the fearless and instinctive warrior Utred continues to fight for his homeland Northumbria. Utred handed the sword to King Alfred, and although he was raised by invading pagan Danes, he embarked on a journey north to reclaim his fate: to avenge the death of Count Laguna and reclaim the land of his ancestors' Babanburg. Alfred's belief in establishing a unified England was stronger than ever, and he turned his gaze to the chaotic and rebellious northern wilderness. For both Saxons and Danes, this was a dangerous moment, but Alfred supported a new king - a Christian Dane - to unite the tribe. However, the king was enslaved and Utred was involved in a rescue mission, which brought him face to face with an ancient enemy.